Privacy & data protection policy
Data protection ensures your privacy, security, and autonomy

DigitalCareer (DC) provide the right recruit for the customer both when searching for specific jobs but also relevant candidates within the area of operations (“Search and Recruiting”).
This Information on Processing of Personal Data is aimed at persons who are in contact with DC on the basis of services, as customer or candidate. You can read more specifically about what is applicable in the individual situations in the relevant tabs. Others are of course also welcome to have a look at our policy.
In general
In connection with providing our services, we will receive information about you, or information that can identify you (personal data).
Our work is naturally based on respecting you and your private life, and therefore we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. So, in addition to the professional ethics of business in terms of confidentiality and professional secrecy, we process your personal data in the manner that is laid down in this Information on Processing of Personal Data.
Only relevant personal data
We are focussing on the nature and the scope of personal data and how to protect them in the best possible way. Therefore, we only collect and process personal data that are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to a legitimate purpose. Our main focal point is not to collect more personal data than necessary for this purpose.
However, we may be obliged under applicable law to collect and process certain personal data.
Only necessary personal data
We only process personal data that are necessary for us to provide our services and to maintain and administer the customer relationship. Due to this, we only process personal data about you for search and recruiting, to administer the customer relationship or if we are obliged under applicable law.
Only reasonable and legitimate purpose
Our collecting and processing of personal data take place exclusively for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. We do not process personal data for other purposes than the purpose why the personal data was originally collected.
In the event that we should wish to use personal data for another purpose than that for which they were originally collected, we will notify you about this, unless such further processing is subject to our duty of confidentiality or it is a question of enforcement of civil law claims, etc. However, by anonymising personal data so that the registered persons are no longer identified or identifiable, we may use the data for other purposes without prior notification.
Only when legal basis is established
Our collecting and processing of personal data take place on the basis of a contract, a consent, a legal obligation, or on grounds of other legitimate interests, including where civil law claims are to be established or defended. We may exceptionally require your consent for some processing.
Updating and validating of your personal data
As our services rely on accurate data, we make sure that personal data collected and processed by us are not inaccurate or misleading and will ensure that personal data are updated by checking with publicly available data, such as LinkedIN. We ask you to assist us if any relevant changes to your personal data occur.
In some cases, we may need to collect and aggregate personal data from a third party, e.g. from public authorities and private bodies. In that case, we will inform you and obtain your consent in this respect, unless you are already aware of such collecting and processing, or your interest in being informed is clearly overridden by compelling public or private interests or it is a question of enforcement of civil law claims, etc.
Our product and services are aimed at people above 18 of age. If we observe personal data related to a person below the age of 18, we will delete the personal data in question.
Updating and validating of your personal data
As our services rely on accurate data, we make sure that personal data collected and processed by us are not inaccurate or misleading and will ensure that personal data are updated by checking with publicly available data, such as LinkedIN. We ask you to assist us if any relevant changes to your personal data occur.
In some cases, we may need to collect and aggregate personal data from a third party, e.g. from public authorities and private bodies. In that case, we will inform you and obtain your consent in this respect, unless you are already aware of such collecting and processing, or your interest in being informed is clearly overridden by compelling public or private interests or it is a question of enforcement of civil law claims, etc.
Our product and services are aimed at people above 18 of age. If we observe personal data related to a person below the age of 18, we will delete the personal data in question.
Deleting personal data
We delete personal data where they are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and processed. Therefore, the storage periods may vary, depending on the relevant purposes and the criteria for deleting personal data is based on fulfilment of our contractual obligations, and if we are subject to mandatory archiving purposes subject to Danish legislation.
Please refer to the specific sections stipulating deleting procedures relevant for your role.
In some cases, you are entitled to have your personal data deleted. Please refer to the section on rights and entitlements.
We have implemented adequate technical and organisational measures regarding confidentiality and data security, protecting the collected data against deterioration, loss, or change, unauthorised publication and against unauthorised persons obtaining access to or knowledge of the data. However, we cannot guarantee that your personal data is 100% protected, as outsiders may succeed in breaking or hacking our security measures even if we do all possible to avoid it.
These measures imply, inter alia, that access to personal data is physically and systemically limited to colleagues who have a work-related need for such access and who are trained and instructed in the processing of personal data. All employees with DC are subject to confidentiality and professional secrecy.
Personal data provided in hard copies or on portable data media (USB or the like) are stored under lock and key when not being used, while personal data in digital form are protected by access control, personal passwords, encryption, back-up systems as well as updated firewalls and antivirus protection.
We also have a procedure for the handling of any security breaches and notification thereof to the Danish Data Protection Agency.
Data Controller
Data controller is DigitalCareer ApS, Højbro Plads 10, DK-1200 København K, VAT. No. DK32932843.
Our customers will be the data controller for its processing of your personal data provided the data have been legitimately disclosed by us to our customer.
It may be necessary for us to change the processing of personal data, for instance due to digital developments. Therefore, we reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. In the event of material changes, we will, if possible, ensure that you are notified accordingly.
Optimisation of user experience on our website
At the use of our website, cookies will be generated, which also are personal data. Read more about our website policy.
As a data subject, you have a number of rights, for instance, the right to gain access to the processing of your data and to require that personal data be erased. However, these rights may be restricted to certain situations or be subject to certain conditions. For further information about the rights of the data subject, including a request to exercise such rights, we refer to our specific information on the rights of the data subject.
If you wish to learn more about DC´s processing of personal data, you may contact us at email:
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