Employee Turnover During the Holidays

December 20, 2023

As the holidays approach and the year comes to a close, companies face the potential challenges associated with seasonal turnover. Traditionally, January witnesses a surge in employee turnover. This can be due to factors such as to heightened hiring, employee reinvention, and the culmination of seasonal work.

While some turnover is inevitable, anticipating challenges is key to minimising its impact. There are two key factors to consider to navigate successfully during this time:

Retain existing employees

Invest in continuous learning such as online training, workshops, and industry conferences. Encourage knowledge sharing among colleagues to further promote a culture of development. Providing opportunities and career growth within the organisation is another way to foster employee loyalty.

✅ Expand your team

The months of January and February present prime opportunities for recruiting new talent, as many job seekers actively seek a fresh start in the new year. Make sure that you implement a comprehensive onboarding process to smoothly integrate new hires into the company culture, ensuring a positive and lasting impact on the organisation.