Danish Companies Falling Behind in Implementation of Generative AI

May 1, 2024

A recent in-depth study conducted by DI (the Confederation of Danish Industry) in collaboration with BCG and other major business organizations sheds light on the landscape of Generative AI implementation in Danish enterprises 🤖

While the majority of Danish executives recognise the immense potential of Generative AI, Denmark lags behind its Nordic counterparts in actual implementation.

According to the findings, 81% of Danish top executives believe in the business potential of Generative AI, with 50% anticipating significant or transformative impacts on their companies. However, despite acknowledging its potential, Denmark ranks third among Nordic countries in leveraging Generative AI for business purposes. Currently, only 12% of Danish companies have initiated Generative AI pilot projects, with a mere 5% integrating the technology across multiple functions.

While the positive outlook among executives is encouraging, the key to maintaining Denmark’s competitiveness lies in tangible implementation and in viewing AI as a long-term business opportunity rather than a quick fix. To assist companies in navigating the complexities of Generative AI implementation, DI has developed a comprehensive guidance platform comprising practical guides, tutorials, and templates (it can be found here).